宾西法尼亚 secretary of education to graduates: 'Do what you love'

佩德罗一. 里维拉 delivers Penn State 蒙特阿尔托毕业典礼 address

Members of the 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 graduating class of 2018 receive words of advice during the campus' commencement ceremony May 5.


MONT ALTO, Pa. ― Cheers erupted from the graduating class of 2018 during the Penn State 蒙特阿尔托毕业典礼 ceremony May 5 when Chief Academic Officer Michael Doncheski stepped to the lectern and announced, “I now pronounce this school year closed.”

随着毕业典礼的结束, the event included celebration, words of encouragement and advice and, 当然, the handing out of hard-earned diplomas.

布雷特低地, 的Chambersburg, who received his bachelor of science degree in business, 说今天天气很好. “Being with everyone here and being able to enjoy the moment. My family is here and that makes it better for everybody. Four years of hard work and dedication and for it to finally end and be realized is pretty amazing,他说.

With the end of the year comes new beginnings for the 129 graduates who received 131 degrees ― 78 bachelor’s degrees and 53 associate degrees. Two students received two degrees.

The keynote speaker for the commencement ceremony, 宾西法尼亚 Secretary of Education 佩德罗一. 里维拉, urged the graduates to do what they love in their professions.

In reflecting on what it felt like to be a graduate and waiting for a call from his first-choice employer, 里维拉 said he didn’t know his dreams.

“Some of you might be in the same position. 我渴望成为什么样的人? 我的希望是什么?? Where do I want to be in five, 10, 15, 20 years?”

“It all boils down to four important questions,他说. “我喜欢做什么?? 我能赚钱吗? 我能长期这样做吗? And, am I making a difference for those I love and in my career?”

里维拉 said he is fortunate to have learned what he loves to do as a tutor while attending Penn State Berks. “I loved to help people be educated and build their confidence and help them grow,他说.

While material things aren’t really what makes the difference for 里维拉, 他已经意识到, “If you love the thing you are doing, you should surround yourself with other people who love what you love, and with that will come professional opportunities.”

里维拉 suggested the students make a list of how they aspire to spend their time and a week later make another list of how they actually spent their time.

“Then look at the similarities,他说. “This will help you realize what you really love to do and answer the question of whether or not you can do this for a long time.”

Finally, 里维拉 asked the graduates to question themselves. “Am I making a difference for those I love and in my career … in forestry, 在你的医学领域, in practicing business … from your first day in the workforce to the last day,他说.

宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 Chancellor Francis K. Achampong welcomed members of the audience and congratulated the graduates on receiving their Penn State degrees. He later closed the ceremony and charged the graduates with being engaged citizens.

“Give back to your community and help make this world a better place ― one that is more humane, 更有同情心, and one that values every human being,他说.

宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 教师 Scholar David Seitz, associate professor in communications, also offered words of advice to the graduates. “不要害怕,”他说. “Live your life with the courage to do what is right ― to be kind, thoughtful and honest. 公平待人. ... This isn’t an easy thing, but I’m confident you will have the ability to overcome. After all, this is the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

唐Fiorenza, Waynesboro的, received her bachelor of science degree in letters, 艺术与科学. While graduating means she will have more time to spend with her 9-year-old daughter, 佐伊, 她说这感觉苦乐参半. “It has been an amazing experience and I am glad that I was able to experience it,” she said.